
The 710 north of the 10 is referred to as the 710 Stub and dead ends at Valley Boulevard.

Map of I-710N freeway stub


  • The weave bottleneck at the I-10/I-710 interchange and the deficiencies at Fremont Ave. create congestion on eastbound I-10.
  • Congestion on eastbound I-10 in turn causes backup on northbound I-710 south of I-10.
  • The congestion on both freeways encourages cars to use the 710 stub as a bypass, which brings cut-through traffic through Alhambra.
  • The configuration of the 710 stub as a 6-lane freeway introduces high-speed traffic immediately adjacent to Alhambra neighborhoods, creating noise and other environmental impacts on residents.
  • The close spacing of the two signalized intersections at the end of the 710 stub results in congestion on Valley Blvd.

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